The Wall of Clippings

The wall is filled with newspaper clippings, comic strips, political cartoons, missing and wanted posters, and magazine pages. Some entries date back to the fifties. A note at the top of the wall is scrawled with a single word, like a title:"Networkers." Reading through the clippings, you notice that many of them center around reports of criminal activity, people caught with contraband computing equipment. You've heard your parents mention the network shutdown and read in history textbooks about the anarchist activities computers were used for before the government destroyed them all, but you hadn't ever thought that there might be people still trying to establish connections. Whoever's cabin this is sure seems interested in these "networkers" though...

What do you want to do?

  • Investigate the machine.
  • Look at the book on the table.
  • Go back to our Course Webpage.